Pattern Corrections
The following minor issues have been fixed in the PDF digital patterns as of early 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Harken Quilt - Page 4: Classic Version Background for the baby size should read "sub cut (24) 1 1/2" x 8" rectangles." So (24), not (4)... a small typo.
Urban Light Quilt - Fabric D for the lap size needs 1/4 yard instead of 1/8 yard.
Brightwood Quilt - Page 10, step 6: Trim the block unit to 4 1/2" with a center point of 2 1/4" NOT 2 1/2"
Brightwood Quilt - Page 9- The graph on the left that reads "How Many QSTs per Block" should actually read as "How Many QSTs per Quilt"
Twin Lakes Quilt- Queen Size: Page 3 Cutting Reference Chart numbers are correct. Note that the Cutting Instructions should read, Sub cut (154) 3" squares, not 54. Additionally on page 4, you'll need to sub cut (160) 3" x 5.5" rectangles, not 16.
Twin Lakes Quilt - Page 2 - Full Size- Fabric B: should be 1 3/8 instead of 1 1/4.