I played with a fun fat quarter bundle that I won last year in a giveaway. Those are so fun right?

This gorgeous low volume bundle of solids from Paintbrush Studio Fabrics has been on my shelf just tempting me for months now. As a way to calm my frayed nerves and distance myself from the news of the day, I decided to cut into these and just start to play.

I have a vague concept that I've been considering for a while that will likely turn into a free pattern! Stay tuned. This seemed like the perfect place to start testing out the overall concept.

For my first foray into a design, especially when it is an improv based design, I don't spend too much time thinking about calculations and measurements but instead just dive in to see if I can achieve a rough proximity to what I've drawn up. I can safely say I'm more of a visual person than a "mathy" person! So this method just works for me.

While I love where this one went (I'll show a finished version in a later post), it isn't necessarily "there" yet. So this piece served as a "get the juices flowing" kind of project and helped me better understand what I need to tweak to get to where I really want the final design to be.

And, hopefully it will make a lovely little wall hanging!
Happy Friday!